
Summer Solstice 2013

One year of the sun's activity captured in one image via treehugger

"Solstice"is derived from two Latin words: "sol" meaning sun, and "sistere," to cause to stand still. As the summer solstice approaches, the noonday sun rises higher and higher in the sky on each successive day. On the day of the solstice, it rises an imperceptible amount, compared to the day before. In this sense, it "stands still."

Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year, the shortest night - is somewhat of a tipping point: from here on out the days get shorter and the nights get longer. The solstice, sometimes called midsummer, ushers in the warmest season, and reminds us that the season is short, slipping away day by day. It's a good time to attune to the rhythms of the natural world and invite the seasons of waxing and waning, of birth, growth, death and renewal to reverberate more consciousness into our lives. 

Honoring the Solstice can remind us just how precious each day and season is, because the truth of its passing away is also acknowledged. Gifts need to be appreciated, not taken for granted. Summer Solstice is a day of light and celebration and a reminder that everything changes.

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